Saturday, 16 March 2013


Hello and welcome to my little spot! Please be patient with me as I learn to find my way around, as this  is my first experience of blogging (apart from a very quiet FB page)! I have even had trouble leaving messages on other bloggers' sites! Never mind, upwards and onwards!

My very favourite yarn craft for the past fourteen months or so has been crochet, and I am well and truly hooked! Quite strange really, for in my younger days I just couldn't handle crochet at all and so always had the knitting needles busy; I do still love to knit of course but have been quite busy with the hook and thought it might be nice to let you see what I've produced so far.

My grandsons and daughters encouraged me to crochet  Amigurumi   and I also had help from various websites and the wonderful book, 'Amigurumi' by Lan-Anh Bui & Josephine Wan, and so quite a few little personalities came into being which are now much loved by family and friends. I have since branched out into other subjects and now we have crocheted blankets, cushions, Christmas decos, baby beanies, little plant pot jackets, etc., etc.. I must make mention that Lucy's blog at Attic 24 has been a great help, as well as Sharron at Annie's Place, amongst many others. Thanks to you all for your wonderful inspiration!

Thank you for dropping by and I hope you will call again. I wish you a happy peaceful day full of creative fun.


  1. I still love these amigurumi friends Mum. They spread a bit of 'Joy' around!

    1. Ah that's lovely Trace and thanks for leaving a message! I will still continue with the 'Joy's Toys' but do enjoy the other subject matter too; so now it's a case of finding a balance! Whooooo!!! - tricky for a Gemini eh!

  2. I love your amigurumi cats! so cute x

  3. Oh I'm glad you like them Heather, and thank you for taking the time to visit and leave me a message! Joy x

  4. It is inspiring how much creativity has blossomed from learning crochet.
