Hello, how are you all? It's certainly been a long time since I communicated through this little space - so long I have almost forgotten how to go about it!
Before going any further I'd really like to say a big thank you to you lovelies who have emailed to enquire about me! It really has meant a lot to me! The past couple of months or so have found me feeling a bit unsynchronised at times, so it's been better to just take one day at a time and not push myself to 'do' when what I really needed was to 'not do'!
Let's look at a few pics, shall we?
You may remember the little baby coverlet I had started after being inspired by 'The Sweetest Thing' from Australian Homespun magazine, May 2014 issue: here's my completed variation of it, much smaller than the original, but rather pretty I think.
And here's a little girl's quilt I made whilst playing hooky from blogland; I really had a lot of fun putting this together from little offcuts.
More recently this table runner has kept me busy, and interestingly enough this, as well as a couple of matching placemats, were produced from a little 'Scrappy Bag' of remnants bought recently from Textile Traders in Albany. The fabrics were so well co-ordinated, don't you agree? The backing fabric was one that I already had in my growing stash but seems to work quite well!
The placemats .. ..
I have been busy with a different style of sewing just recently too, but no pics yet, so will show you next time. Also I will make mention that, although I have not been too eager to spend much time on the computer of late, I have posted a couple of pics on Instagram and these you can see under Joyjinks if you care to take a quick look sometime.
On a particularly bright day a few weeks ago I noticed some very interesting shapes cast on the wall by the sun shining through the window and venetian blinds .. .. ..
Some birds make a lot of noise .. .. .. like these White-tailed Carnaby's Cockatoos insistent on wrecking my next-door neighbour's lovely bottle-brush blooms .. .. .. This bird is unique to Western Australia.
Let's take a look in the garden, shall we? This is a wonderful time of year with so many blooms giving us so much pleasure!
Below you can see the native Irises: they decided to have a wee lie down but that's fine by me, I think they make a pretty picture relaxing on the wood-chips.
We love these little flowers - they close up when the sun goes behind the clouds and then open and shine when it reappears!
Do you recall my Clematis from last year? This plant only ever produces one (maybe two if we're lucky) flowers each season, but oh isn't it worth waiting for. The upper two pics were taken when it was young and fresh, and the lower two when it was older and faded, but still beautiful, don't you think?
Now to finish off I just must share a few of my gorgeous roses with you . . .
Below is 'Playgirl', one of my very favourites!
And last but certainly not least comes 'Blushing Knockout' which is still in a pot from last year and continues to bloom, flush after flush, and to me is reminiscent of a bride's bouquet.
Thanks so much for taking the time to be here, and for your lovely messages which always mean so much to me. Take good care of yourselves and I hope to catch up with each of you soon.
With love,
❤Joy xoxo